What's the Purpose of Appraisal?
As an experienced principal, I know too well the questions that can be raised around the purpose or WHY of appraisal. Often educators find appraisal a tedious process that is ‘done to them’ every year and as a result can remain at the very bottom of the ‘to do’ list.
As part of my role as Foundation Principal of Lemonwood Grove School | Te Uru Tarata, I set about reimagining our appraisal system. Initially this involved working with staff and Kāhui Ako principals to review our WHY. We then used the data gathered to come up with more meaningful and considered ways to record and reflect on our learning - together.
Historically principal appraisal has been a formal and structured process to document a school leader's progress over a year again, more a compliance requirement largely driven by the principal with little input and feedback from the board and independent consultant.
It’s time to change the status quo!
My principal appraisal consultancy involves:
- Clear objective / goal setting based on previous years feedback and current individual and school priorities.
- Specific links to the school strategic and annual goals.
- Term review meetings.
- A focus on Leadership Inquiry.
- Opportunities for regular feedback.
- Ongoing reflection is incorporated as a tool to learn.
- Provocative / deep questioning skills leading to deep improvement.
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